Why You Should Avoid Homeopathy For Hearing Loss

Homeopathic herbs and flowers in mortar and pestle with tincture and medicine bottles on a wooden table.

If you cut your arm, it heals. In a short time, your stubbed toe will feel better. Even a broken bone will mend if properly set.

But what if your hearing is damaged? Is it possible for the inner ear to heal? Will your hearing come back? Can that healing be facilitated by homeopathic remedies?

What is homeopathic medicine’s approach?

The basic idea is that homeopathic medicine is natural. The philosophy suggests that you’re treating the person and not simply the sickness. The basic concept is that the human body should heal itself. Those who practice it believe they are stimulating a natural healing process that allows the body to heal quicker than otherwise possible.

What is homeopathic medicine made of?

“Homeo” means “like” and “pathy” has the word “disease” at its root. So the word homeopathy means “like a disease”. The fact that a cure would be called “like a disease” may seem odd.”

But it’s called that because it uses compounds like nightshade and arsenic which would be harmful in large amounts. Homeopathic advocates think that by using these substances in very small quantities, a natural healing process is triggered.

Some individuals believe in homeopathic remedies and others don’t. It’s not something that you can easily persuade people of either way. What we will deal with is why there are no homeopathic treatments for hearing loss.

In contrast to other parts of the body where homeopathy might be harmless at best, with hearing, you can actually do considerable, lasting harm to your ears.

How hearing works

The cochlea, which is the term for the inner ear, looks like a snail shell. There are tiny hairs, known as cilia, inside of this structure. When sound is produced, these tiny hairs will vibrate rhythmically. Complex signals are sent to the brain as these hairs vibrate with incoming sound waves. The brain can decipher these signals to differentiate between a cat’s meow and a car horn. What words and letters are being spoken can also be differentiated.

When a healthy child is born, they have thousands of these tiny hairs. But these hairs disintegrate as you age and your ears are exposed to infections, loud noises, and other risks. They bend. They break. They die. Sound will no longer be received and carried by these dead hairs.

The high-frequency hairs that can pick up sounds like a violin solo, birds chirping, or the playing of children are the most sensitive. So if injury happens, these are the first to go.

These hairs will never heal or grow back. That’s why it’s so essential to use ear protection.

Homeopathy and Hearing

Homeopathic medicines are believed to work by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. But hearing loss doesn’t ever heal. These hairs don’t grow back.

The best plan of action, if you’re noticing early hearing loss, is to give us a call for a hearing examination. You will most likely be doing long term harm if you put off getting a hearing test and instead try a homeopathic strategy. We can help you with treatment solutions that are proven.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
